Claude Calame is a swiss hellenist and anthropologist, author of works on mythology and the poetic forms of the ancient Greece. He is currently Director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and affiliated to the
Kambouchner Denis
Denis Kambouchner, Professor at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, is a specialist of Descartes (last book published: Descartes n’a pas dit, Les Belles-Lettres, 2015), and editor of the Œuvres Complètes by the same author (Gallimard-Tel, under publication). He is also the author of
Borutti Silvana
Silvana Borutti teaches general philosophy. Her field of investigation covers, in particular, the field of the epistemology of the humanities, where Anthropology holds a wide place.
Ngaroné Rémadjie
Remadjie Ngaroné is a doctor in ethnology, whose thesis entitled « Anthropology of the conflict in Guadeloupe. Construction of peripheral subjects » was conducted under the direction of Francis Affergan. Her research focuses on Caribbean identity, conflict, power and cultural heritages and communications relations
Castel Pierre-Henri
Pierre-Henri Castel is historian, philosopher of science and psychoanalyst. He is currently Director of research at the CNRS, Institut Marcel Mauss/EHESS, team LIER.
Chivallon Christine
Christine Chivallon is both anthropologist and geographer, Director of research at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). Affiliated at the Research Center, LAM (Africas worldwide) in Sciences Po Bordeaux for more than 10 years where she founded a franco-jamaicain curriculum, she
de Menonville Siena Antonia
Siena Antonia de Menonville is completing her second year of PhD at the Paris Descartes University Canthel laboratory. Under the direction of Alain Pierrot, she worked on the various uses of the image in the Ethiopian Orthodox tradition.
Medaets Chantal
A native of São Paulo, Chantal Medaets leads since 2009 doctoral research in anthropology of education at the University Paris Descartes, in the Canthel, under the direction of Alain Pierrot. His study focuses on transmission and learning processes in villages
Alain Pierrot
Alain Pierrot is University Professor at Paris Descartes, philosophy and anthropology of education. It is mainly in the field of language and education its research has been conducted. First in philosophy with work on Wittgenstein and Chomsky and more recently,
de Grave Jean-Marc
HDR lecturer at the Department of anthropology at the University of Aix-Marseille, Jean-Marc de Grave is currently delegation CNRS at the Institute for research on the Southeast Asia contemporary (IRASEC), where he conducts investigations on the transmission of values and